Welcome to the FAQ section of bollyflixmovies.com! Below are answers to some of the most common questions our users have. If you don’t find your query here, please contact us.
1. What is bollyflixmovies.com?
bollyflixmovies.com is a platform that offers content related to movies, such as movie trailers, plot summaries, and more entertaining resources. We strive to be your all-in-one source for everything you need to know about movies.
2. Is bollyflixmovies.com hosting pirated content or providing illegal file hosts?
Absolutely no, we never host and recommend pirated contents or illegal file hosts, because all the content of our site is copyright and intellectual property law compliant.
3. Do I download movies from bollyflixmovies.com?
We do not have a direct link to download options from this site; instead we are providing all information, with summary and platform links for movies which can be legally streamed on respective platforms.
4. Do I need to register to access the website?
For now, you do not have to register for an account to use our website, but some functions, like receiving newsletters, would require your e-mail address.
5. Does bollyflixmovies.com use cookies?
Yes, we use cookies to make browsing easier for you. For details on our cookies, please visit our Privacy Policy.
6. How can I contact bollyflixmovies.com for more questions or for comments?
You can get in touch with us through bollyflixmovies@gmail.com, or you may also use the contact form that we have displayed on our Contact Us page.
7. Is my data safe on bollyflixmovies.com?
We certainly do respect your privacy. We make proper use of reasonable measures to secure your information. For more, refer to our Privacy Policy.
8. Is the ad displayed on your site safe?
Ads shown on our site are provided by the renowned ad networks like Google Ad Manager. However, we would always advice the user to be cautious and check the offers on their own before dealing with any ad.
9. How do I submit or contribute content to bollyflixmovies.com?
We would be happy to hear from you! Send us your suggestions or feedback at bollyflixmovies@gmail.com.